Becoming Better

Quit Porn for Good. Become the man you’re called to be. My innocence was stolen and my addiction began. Temptations grew and habits were formed. I remember thinking, “When I get married everything will be solved and I will be fine. It wasn’t. The journey to healing was very lonely. There’s very little compassion that is offered in this area of addiction. I tried and failed more time than I can count to stop looking at porn and women. I kept this a dark secret and nothing ever changed until I opened the door for help.

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Wednesday Jul 07, 2021

I've always had a problem lying. I lied to make myself sound better, stronger, or smarter. I lied to protect my image as the "honest man". (ironic, right?) Check out this video to learn how I stopped compulsively lying. Read the blog here: 

Your Journey to Becoming Better

Thursday Jun 24, 2021

Thursday Jun 24, 2021

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